New Jersey's Hemp Program Opens the Door to Applicants
By Jennifer Cabrera, Counsel; Michelle Bodian, Senior Associate
On August 9, 2019, Governor Phil Murphy created a legal pathway for farmers and businesses in New Jersey to grow hemp when he signed bill A5322, which became the New Jersey Hemp Farming Act (NJ Hemp Law).
The NJ Hemp Law established a commercial hemp program and directed the state Department of Agriculture (NJDA) to issue regulations establishing a commercial hemp program in the Garden State by licensing the cultivation, processing, and handling of hemp and hemp products.
While the NJ Hemp Law does not direct any regulatory agency to establish rules governing the retail sale of products containing hemp-derived cannabinoids (like cannabidiol, a.k.a. CBD), the Law does state that hemp-derived CBD may be added to cosmetics, personal care products, and products intended for human or animal consumption.
On December 27, 2019, New Jersey became one of the first three states to have its state hemp plan approved by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). This approval grants NJDA primary regulatory authority over hemp production in New Jersey. The NJDA has since published rules governing the state hemp program (NJDA Hemp Regulations) and posted license applications, program instructions and testing guidelines on its website.
Below is a summary of the provisions of the NJDA Hemp Regulations and the license applications:
Application Requirements
- License applications must include a description of the property where hemp is to be grown, processed or handled, including block and lot number(s) and geospatial coordinates, as well as a map showing boundaries and dimensions of the growing area. (NJAC 2:25-2.1)(d))
- Applicants must also provide proof of authorization to engage in hemp production, e.g., deed or written agreement by a landowner. (NJAC 2:25-2.1)(k))
- Applicants and “Key Participants” of an applicant must establish that they have not been convicted of a felony relating to a controlled substance within the 10 years preceding the date of their application. (NJAC 2:25-2.2(e)) There are several narrow exceptions.
- Key Participants include sole proprietors, partners in a partnership, and persons with executive managerial control in a corporation, including CEO, COO and CFO. This definition does not include non-executive managers like farm, field or shift managers. (NJAC 2:25-1.2)
Regulation of Cultivation
- The annual licensing fee for growers is $300, plus $15 per each acre. (NJAC 2:25-2.1(f)
- Growers must apply to the NJDA at least 30 days before the anticipated date of planting hemp. (NJAC 2:25-2.1(c))
- Cultivators must submit a Letter of Intent from one or more processors (if not self-processing) with their application, along with a marketing plan. (Grower License Application pp. 3, 11)
- Before obtaining any hemp seeds, propagules, or plantlets for cultivation, growers must submit a hemp acquisition plan for written approval by the NJDA. (NJAC 2:25-3.1)
- Licensed growers must comply with ongoing reporting requirements to the NJDA, including e.g., pre-planting, transfer, harvest, and disposal reports. (NJAC 2:25-4.1 to 4.5; Grower License Application p. 9)
- It is critical to submit a site modification plan before planting in an area not covered by a license; hemp growing in an unlicensed location will be confiscated and destroyed and growers may not seek compensation. (NJAC 2:25-2.2(n)&(r); Grower License Application p. 10)
Regulation of Processors and Handlers