Parking Stickers
Parking stickers are required for vehicles left in certain areas. Vehicles parked in designated areas without appropriate parking stickers displayed are subject to tagging, towing, and fines.
Resident Stickers
Eligible residents must be situated on one of the Designated Parking Streets as indicated below. Additionally, a valid registration, license, and proof of residency are required when applying. Shall be limited to one residential sticker per resident.
Designated Residential Parking
Bristol's Code of Ordinances, Chapter 16: Article IX, Sec. 16 provides the details and restrictions with regard to parking in residential areas.
Sec. 16-345. - Designated residential parking streets.
(a)The following streets are designated as residential parking streets, daily, during the hours of five p.m. to seven a.m.:
- Bradford Street, from Hope Street to Central Street;
- Central Street, from Bradford Street to Wardwell Street;
- Church Street, from Hope Street to Wood Street;
- Constitution Street, from Bristol Harbor to High Street;
- Court Street, from Hope Street to High Street;
- High Street, from Church Street to Congregational Street;
- State Street, from Hope Street to High Street;
- Thames Street, from Franklin Street to Oliver Street;
- Wardwell Street, from Hope Street to Central Street.
(b)The following streets are designated as residential parking streets, daily, 24 hours.
- Bradford Street, from Thames Street to Hope Street;
- Bradford Street, from Central Street to High Street;
- Burnside Street, on the north side beginning at #25 and continuing east until High Street;
- Byfield Street;
- Central Street, from Bradford Street northerly to dead end.
- Church Street, from Thames Street to Hope Street;
- Franklin Street, from Thames Street to High Street, except as set forth in subsection 16-146(4);
- John Street;
- Milk Street;
- State Street, from Thames Street to Hope Street;
- Thames Street, from Franklin Street southerly to dead end.
- Wally Street, south side from Hope Street west to the beach area.
(c)The following streets are designated as residential parking streets, no overnight parking except with resident sticker:
- Constitution Street, from High Street easterly to Wood Street, both sides;
- Cooke Street;
- High Street, from Church Street southerly to Union Street, both sides;
- Noyes Avenue;
- Pearse Avenue;
- Pleasant Street;
- State Street, from High Street easterly to Wood Street, both sides;
- Union Street;
- William Street;
- Wood Street, from State Street southerly to Union Street, both sides.