The Long, Ugly History of Bathroom Segregation


Historical photo by Esther Bubley.

When I was growing up in Huntsville, Alabama (home of the U.S. Space & Rocket Center museum), we used to take car trips to my birth home of Kansas. Most of the time, we couldn’t use the restrooms in the gas stations along the way. The signs were clear: “Whites only” or “No Colored.” At that time, we were Negroes or colored. So we carried toilet paper and went on the side of the road. North Carolina's “bathroom bill”—a.k.a. HB2 or “The Public Facilities Act”—is both a portal back to my time as a young black girl in the ‘60s and a reminder of my current status as a lesbian of African descent who wears ties and is sometimes mistaken for a man. By the way, I don't carry my birth certificate with me when I use a public restroom. Do you? Some folks think that if race isn’t involved, discrimination is not about civil rights. But civil rights go way beyond race. Brown v. Board of Education clearly established that “separate but equal is inherently unequal.” It took decades for segregation to be dismantled in educational institutions, and it's an ongoing issue. I went to segregated schools for twelve years after Brown. We’ve seen similar protracted struggles for gender equality, interracial marriage, and marriage equality for gay and lesbian people. And now comes the movement for transgender equality. It, too, is fundamentally about civil rights. The federal judiciary, via Attorney General Loretta Lynch, sued North Carolina over its so-called “bathroom bill,” which requires people to use bathrooms based on their biological sex as identified on their birth certificate. Lynch said the legislation would constitute a “pattern or practice” of discriminating against transgender individuals. She went on to say that the lawsuit is about a great deal more than just bathrooms: “This is about the dignity and respect we accord our fellow citizens and the laws that we, as a people and as a country, have enacted to protect them—indeed, to protect all of us. And it’s about the founding ideals that have led this country—haltingly but inexorably—in the direction of fairness, inclusion and equality for all Americans.” It’s about recognizing our humanness and not otherness. The best response I’ve heard yet is: “I don’t care which bathroom you use, just wash your hands.” Here’s hoping that laws permitting discrimination in bathrooms and beyond be repealed, both as a matter of law and in people’s hearts and minds.

Elizabeth Ann Thompson is a freelance writer based in Oakland, California.


Comments (7)

End restroom segregation

Restroom segregation is a relatively recent thing. In ancient times men and women used the same "facilities" (latrines) with no privacy. Public baths likewise were not gender segregated.
After restroom gender segregation was introduced, men's public urinals were long troughs with water running constantly from small holes in a pipe that ran the length of the trough.
In the office building where I had an office decades ago each floor had a men-only restroom. The "colored" men's and women's restrooms and the women's restrooms were in the basement. Blacks and women had to go to the basement even if their workstations were on the 12th floor.
In later years the men's restroom on every other floor was converted to a women's restroom by replacing two wall urinals with toilets.
The "Colored" and "Whites Only" lettering was first taped over and later scraped off of the door glass of the two "colored" and two "whites" restrooms in the basement. HarryS more than 5 years ago

Your Story Should be Heard

I have been writing an essay about why unisex bathrooms are a must, and I read this article a few days previous, including, apparently, your comment, which I searched everywhere for! I remembered your story because it is profound in its unfairness, and not likely an uncommon occurrence. I wish you would place such experiences in your own article because your voice and your story should be heard. Student Researcher 306 days ago

Water is life and Sanitation

Water is life and Sanitation is dignity! and depriving people of their right to water or to have access to decent toilets is just not acceptable in this day and age when we are talking about human rights, basic needs and progress.. When shall we ever accept each other as different, but equals ?
krish more than 8 years ago

What? That doesn't even make

What? That doesn't even make sense with what she/he is talking about! No one is saying they can't use the bathroom. They are just saying look in your pants and use the bathroom that matches. confused more than 8 years ago

No right to look in my pants

If I have to use the restroom, I will simply use the logical one, the one with proper access and facilities, then leave. Others have no ethical reason to tell me where to go to the bathroom, as I am using it for its intended purpose, washing my hands, then leaving. Person more than 1 year ago

Yes my wife and daughters

Yes my wife and daughters civil rights matter more than most of the progressive seem to care or understand.
dec more than 8 years ago

The transgender bathroom

The transgender bathroom issue has gotten everyone's panties in a bunch: Chad Bixby more than 8 years ago

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